Autodesk University Crowd Source Project Update
17 November 2011
Never being content for towing the typical expected experience in events, presentations, or social media we came up with a way to show what our creative customers do in a very interesting experimental way. We have done wild things over the years at main stage and certainly pushing that proverbial envelope. Anyone remember the 360 degree immersive Project Metropolis (now known as Autodesk Infrastructure Modeler) shown live demo of a fly into a city on 20 HD projection screens?
Autodesk University 2007: General Session Behind the Scenes Video
How about Elvis singing the legal disclaimer?
Elvis is More Fun to Watch than Lawyers
A few weeks ago I mentioned in a post about a special crowd sourced project for Autodesk University in Las Vegas. The deadline for submissions was yesterday for this creative project destined to be on the monstrously big high definition screens at Autodesk University in two weeks. We received several submissions that were literally jaw dropping and one even took 125 hours for a single rendered image. Several projects and Autodesk products are showcased like Autodesk Cloud, AutoCAD, AutoCAD WS, Civil 3D, Inventor, Revit, 3ds Max. and more from students to professionals.
Now comes the hard work of selecting those submissions that will be final candidates used and be stitched together in the potential video to create a big crowd sourced message to the ~8000 attendees of Autodesk University main stage event as well as those tens of thousands that will be watching via AU Online.
I expect to provide a behind the scenes update during AU or just after to show how we did it and showcasing all of those great customer images and the products used.
Speaking of AU online it is FREE. Register now for free and immediate access to AU Virtual 2011. You can even register using your Facebook account.