Autodesk University officially starts for general sessions tomorrow, although several events have been going on for 2 days already.
I am finding myself with little time to do anything other than event preparation and work. Thanks to my self-imposed and successful 10pm curfew, I will spend the last bit of energy in my tank for this post.
Some highlights from Monday:
- Over 8000 attendees are in Las Vegas for Autodesk University.
- Over 21,000 signed up on the free AU Virtual.2011 (
- Several hundred people had already taken the free Autodesk product certifications today in the first 3 hours.
- In front of around 1000 mostly first time AU attendees, I was the super model for the AU 2011 tee shirt during the AU Freshman Orientation.
- Tonight was filled with several mixers and receptions. I was at the Media and Blogger reception where it was packed and another great event. Thanks to the creative geniuses at Instructables, we had LED projects and marshmallow guns. At the end of the event we were given marshmallows and the sniping began. I sniped a few unsuspecting bloggers who were unaware I was stalking them with smuggled in marshmallow ammo.
If you want to make your own marshmallow guns to battle me, or pimp your AU badge stop by the Creative Studio when it opens Tuesday. - Did you get the sunglasses in your AU bag? Meet the person behind their design Marcello Martino.
Must See Tuesday:
- Attend the General Session Keynote Hall D, Level 2 at 8:00 a.m. There will be SOMETHING SPECIAL in the Legal disclaimer.
- Check out the Innovation Forums. I had the pleasure of working with Louise Leakey on her presentation for the originals of humans. Creativity 2.0—Making Design Personal Again
- Grey Matter Smackdown , an innovation cage match at 5pm Palazzo Ballroom E. Point counterpoint event on topics by industry leaders.
- Get ready for the opening of the Exhibition Hall opening at 6:30pm.
- “Birds of a Feather” Sessions 7:00 – 9:30.
- AU Huddles with goodies to give away between 5:30 and 9pm near Exhibit Hall. More details what topic, where, and when in the afternoon.
See you Tuesday for the first official day of AU 2011.