AutoCAD Quick Send to 3ds Max
22 November 2011
If you have the Autodesk Design Suite or both AutoCAD 2012 and 3ds Max 2012 or 3ds Max Design 2012 then this new Autodesk Labs posted technology preview might be a really interesting. This Quick Send to 3ds Max combines or links the workflows of AutoCAD and 3ds Max Design.
Go from your AutoCAD design to an eye pleasing visualization in 3ds max with the click of a button. This works for single files or for multiple people working on a shared project. You can send 2D or 3D content which are then linked one direction AutoCAD to 3ds Max. When you change the AutoCAD geometry the resulting linked content in 3ds Max updates.
Why 3ds Max and not the AutoCAD built-in Render engine you ask? While both share the same underlying technology, 3ds Max allows much more control and visualization features including animation and more.
Quick Send to 3ds Max
YouTube videos:
AutoCAD Quick Send to 3ds Max (part 1)
AutoCAD Quick Send to 3ds Max (part 2)
Give it a try, then send us your feedback.