Photofly Hangout on Google+
25 August 2011
Do you want to know how to create 3D models and/or point clouds using a standard digital camera, or just have questions on how to use the free Project Photofly ( technology?
Join my Google+ Hangouts tomorrow Friday August 26th at 12 p.m. PDT. Yes ten of us at a time live real-time on the web in video and audio. What is a Google+ Hangout?
I mentioned previously I had been experimenting with the new and free Google+ Hangouts feature where you can gather up to 10 people with video and audio and just hangout. The last test Hangout was a wide open public invite to chat about Autodesk related topics and had people from Australia to London and places in between participate. It was fun to explore what worked and how to hold them in the future to get the most benefit to all. It was really a blast with free comic relief provided by Kung Fu Drafter's Curt Moreno.
It really was just like hanging out around a casual office cooler or lounge area and talking about a subject, and seeing each others face and hearing their voice. We did have a couple participate that did not have access to a webcam, but they were still able to join and participate.
Screen captures from the last Hangout:
How to participate in this Photofly Hangout?
Log on to Google+ and reply to my post and I will add you to a specific Google+ circle for the private Hangout invite. You must have a Google+ account and I do have a few invites available for those that email me a request including their gmail email address which is required for the Google+ invite.
Tomorrow starting at 12 p.m. PDT I will start inviting people from that circle to a Hangout session where we can discuss how to create the best possible 3D model from photos, and have fun. Only 10 are allowed into a Hangout so I will Hangout for awhile to answer as many questions as possible. First to join the Hangout win available spots. If it is busy at the capacity of 10 some may need to wait until someone drops out of the Hangout to join. I find the limit of 10 participants was a good decision by Google as it is just enough people for a good conversation without being too many and overwhelming.
This is not a presentation but a 10 way casual conversation. So join me for this Hangout discussing the fun, free, powerful, and cool Project Photofly.