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15 posts from July 2011

Project Photofly allows anyone with a common point and shoot digital camera to create near accurate 3D models from photographs using the power of cloud computing. Creating 3D models is almost as simple as snapping the photos. Here are some of the 3D Photo Scenes I have created, and a brief background on each of them. The first image is a photo of the actual object while the following image is a screenshot of the 3D model in the Project Photofly’s desktop Photo Scene Editor. Read more →

I have recently been experimenting with Google+ and the Hangout feature where up to 10 people can use their webcam and microphone to live chat. So far I have held several of these including one with Curt Moreno aka Kung Fu Drafter where I was even able to joke around with wearing a cowboy hat. Last week I asked for people to join a Hangout through Twitter and hung out with Jim LaPier and AutoCAD for Mac user in Baltimore. Read more →

Longtime AutoCAD book author Ellen Finkelstein has just released her new AutoCAD 2012 and AutoCAD 2012 Bible. Ellen’s style is very easy to follow for the beginner to advanced AutoCAD users to get up and running on the latest release whether you use 2D or 3D. Behind Ellen who is an advanced AutoCAD user in her own right, are some of the most experienced AutoCAD users technical reviewing and editing the book so that it is top quality. Read more →

For those on the leading edge of technology which can also be the bleeding edge at times, if you are considering upgrading your Apple Mac to impending OS X Lion update you should first research if your applications and hardware are ready. It takes some time for software developers to fully test for compatibility in a new Operating Systems changes and then update their code to support the new OS. While OS X Lion looks like a good update to OS X for Mac users including many long needed shiny bells and whistles and improvements, you need to remember to do your research before installing any new OS on your machine regardless if it is Mac or Windows OS updates. Read more →

Final Launch of Space Shuttle STS-135

I am watching the live video feeds from and NASA TV ( of this historic moment for the final launch of the space shuttle STS-135 scheduled for a little under an hour from now at 11:26am EST. Having attended launches the most recent being STS-133, know several involved in the space shuttle programs, and worked on parts of the space program over the years it is a personal moment. Read more →

As a follow-up to the posting How to Change the AutoCAD Layout Background Color in response to a Twitter request, I showed how to change the Layout paper background color. But what if you just want a solid black background in Layout so that it looked like Modelspace or something easier on your eyes, here is the tip. Read more →