Updated 05/31/11 Project Photofly v2 Released For Download
The much anticipated second release of Autodesk Project Photofly is in the final testing and preparation for being posted for download as a free technology preview on Autodesk Labs. Project Photofly allows you to take photos with a standard digital camera and automatically create 3D geometry.
A few of the big new features beyond performance and user interface changes are the addition of 3D textured mesh creation, more file export options such as high density point cloud LAS export, OBJ and automatic creation and ability to export animations.
I will be providing more detailed posts showing the features as well as some of the many potential uses of Project Photofly when the download is available, which should be any day. For now, we have posted some videos on how to shoot photos and what's new.
Project Photofly v2 Shooting Guidelines
What’s New Project Photofly v2
Here are a few videos I created just to show scenes captured in photos now as 3D.
Louise Leakey Suidae
Hovenweep Ruin