Lab Coat Please…
03 February 2011
As of February 1st I have moved to the Autodesk Labs group within Autodesk as a Technology Evangelist. It is a full circle for me as I developed the first Autodesk Labs site and posted several projects back in 2006, now I finally get to work in the group. I will be working with the teams supporting and evangelizing the Labs hosted technologies to current and future customers.
This blog will remain as it has for seven years, an active all things Autodesk blog with varied topic posts from A to Z, or AutoCAD to Zombies. I have always covered design, science, technology, and visualization on this blog in addition to covering Labs technologies since its founding, so there are no big changes expected to this blog’s secret sauce. I will still be covering AutoCAD topics as it has been an important part of my experience both as a customer and as an Autodesk employee. AutoCAD is an important part of Autodesk technology and a product that is used in combination with many of the Labs technologies.
Autodesk Labs has excelled at providing emerging technology to people for feedback. Technology Previews are not really a beta for a product, but an early Technology Preview. The goal is that you and your feedback shape the direction, and if it might become a product or a new feature in a product.
Autodesk Labs longtime employee and blogger Scott Sheppard “It’s Alive in the Lab” and I will be covering Labs content from different angles, so now Labs has two voices and blogs instead of one, like stereo but better.
While I have your attention give some new technology a look and perhaps take it for a test drive at the Autodesk Labs. There are many exciting projects posted as well as more coming.
Some examples of the most popular:
- Project Vasari Conceptual design and analysis for buildings.
- Inventor Fusion Technology Preview Unites direct and parametric modeling workflows.
- Project Galileo Create 3D city models from civil, geospatial, and building data.
- Photo Scene Editor for Project Photofly Create 3D models from photographs using the web.
- Shape Extraction for AutoCAD Convert point clouds to real geometry.
And much much more.
In addition to the larger Technology Previews, there is the Plugin of the Month from the Autodesk Developer Network where our developer consultants aka programming ninjas and our ADN partners post plugins for Autodesk products.
- DrawOrder by Layer for AutoCAD
- ScriptPro 2.0 for AutoCAD
- FeatureMigrator for Inventor
- Offset in XREF for AutoCAD
@mrcadman on Twitter