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13 posts from January 2011

It is always amazing to see what Autodesk customers do with our software and technology. In this case, it is definitely an entertaining experience learning about a great design team and company by watching the video (link below) rockin’ the storyline and some great backing music to make it just that much more of an experience. Read more →

AutoCAD for Mac Handout

At Autodesk University 2010 I presented several labs and lectures (8+) on AutoCAD for Mac. I created a handout for one lecture AC333-3 "I am a Mac and a PC": AutoCAD® for Windows® and Mac® – We Both Speak AutoLISP® and Command Line. I am sharing this handout which contains some good tips and information I covered in the1 hour lecture. Read more →

Kean Walmsley & Scott Sheppard announced a free plugin most working with layers in AutoCAD could really use and that is to DrawOrder By Layer. To explain the plugin simply it places the layers in their top to bottom order based on their layer. This is perfect for easily setting what object to plot or display on top of other layers. Download the plugin, install per readme on AutoCAD 2007 and later releases and based applications, 32/64bit, and use the command DOBYLAY. Read more →

Have you ever wanted all the images you captured in Snagit to be saved elsewhere in another format than .snag formats? This is one of those Snagit tricks that are not well known but are seriously powerful like the custom export option to create an animated Gif from the other Techsmith must have application Camtasia. Perhaps you are a designer, manager, or trainer working on standards, documentation, or presentation or perhaps an author capturing thousands of images like Donnie Gladfelter author of “AutoCAD 2011 and AutoCAD LT 2011: No Experience Required” and have left all those images managed by Snagit but now want to export all the book related captures to a directory for safe keeping or perhaps all your images for the entire year of 2010. Read more →