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9 posts from December 2010

AutoCAD Exchange Expert of the Week - Emmanuel Garcia

T'was the week before Christmas and all through the design house, no answers were found for that burning AutoCAD question not even with right-click on your mouse. The Polylines and Splines were hung from the landscaped trees with care in hopes the AutoCAD Expert of the Week would soon be there. Sorry, I couldn’t help myself. –Shaan Read more →

Entered the Game Grid Friday and a 1982 Flashback

On Friday December 17th, 2010 over one hundred Autodesk employees in San Francisco went and seen the opening of the new TRON: Legacy movie in beautiful IMAX 3D at the Metreon. Both Autodesk with AutoCAD and the original TRON sprang upon the world back in 1982. Twenty Eight years later Autodesk, AutoCAD, and TRON are still here. In 2010 TRON and Autodesk share common technology and visualization ties. Read more →

I have known Dave Stein for well over ten years and he has always pushed the envelope of known techniques to tame large AutoCAD network installations in addition to being a good coder, and funny guy who calls them as he sees them. Now Dave has published a book for AutoCAD Network Administrators to share his knowledge in The AutoCAD Network Administrator's Bible, 2011 Edition. It is a Kindle eBook which can be read on almost any device using the free Kindle reader such as PC, Mac, iPhone, Android, etc. It is right priced at $9.99. Read more →