Go ask your burning AutoCAD question to the AutoCAD Exchange Expert of the Week, Donnie Gladfelter from August 9 to August 13, 2010.
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Donnie is from Richmond, Virginia and highly respected in the CAD community. He may be best known for his The CAD Geek Blog (www.thecadgeek.com) and as @thecadgeek on Twitter but recently published a new book AutoCAD 2011: No Experience Required.
Donnie is currently working as a consultant/trainer while pursuing full-time employment. If you have an opening and are looking for someone of great professionalism, impeccable skills, wide range of experience, dresses for any situation complete with a tie, and an all around great person, Donnie could be your future star employee.
His real name may be Donnie, but he will always be Travis to me. –Shaan
Please visit www.TheCADGeek.com
If you are interested in showing off you AutoCAD Skills and Knowledge please consider being a week long expert on the AutoCAD Exchange. It is a great experience and exposure. Apply to be an ExpertCheers,