Autodesk University Day 2 <Shaan Missing in Action>
03 December 2009
For the first time in 12 years I had to miss a day of AU and sessions, the AUGI meeting, a team dinner, photos, and of course the AUGI Beer Bust event. I awoke yesterday morning with a a bloody nose & ear, dizzy, and massive migraine. I was at the doctors for much of the day as I was diagnosed with dehydration and a bad sinus infection. I spent yesterday after returning from the doctor in bed on prescription antibiotics and headache medicine. I would have preferred to be at AU.
Below is a photo from Tuesday evening taken of the audience preparing to watch the private screening of the movie “Avatar” all decked out in 3D Glasses. I was blown away by the is movie in 3D as were most attendees. It was a serious 3D visual experience! I cannot wait until the movie is released publicly on December 16th. My jaw was literally dropped for the entire time and perhaps that is how I got so dehydrated.
I will be at the AutoCAD booth half of today and giving away goodies and playing “Hide & Geek”. At 5PM I will get my head shaved as promised for charity. Then the evening concludes with the Autodesk University 2009 party. I want to thank everyone who donated goodies to give away such as Techsmith with 10 seats of Camtasia which shares the common bind with AutoCAD as both products were launched in Las Vegas at Comdex events just different years as Camtasia just turned 10 and AutoCAD turned 27.
I want to sincerely thank my guardian angel Heidi for teaching my class at 5PM last night. All she asked for was my handout and PowerPoint and she did it. I guess this was karma and payback for when I taught an AU class back in 2000 in San Francisco with 5 minutes notice due to a sick presenter.
I have created a public Flickr group for AU2009 for sharing photos.( just like the previous public groups for AU 2008 and AU 2007. Flickr is free. Anyone is welcome to add AU2009 photos to the Flickr group as long as they are AU 2009 related and G rated only. You can get a free Flickr account if you wish to share photos with others or even keep them private if you prefer. It is even better if you can geotag your photos with their locations which Flickr allows you to do or if you have a GPS software to do this. Also I have my own Flick Photostream
At the AUGI Annual Meeting the AutoCAD Top Ten Wish List was given from AUGI President Mark Kiker to Guri Stark VP, AutoCAD & Platform Solutions.
Do AUGI AutoCAD Wishes Come True? Video
Here is the list for the new AUGI AutoCAD Top Ten Wishes for November 2009!
1. Join Individual Hatch Areas
The ability to join individually created hatch areas into a single hatch object.
Submitted By: Luke Watts
2. Toolpalettes in CUI
Add toolpalettes to the CUI so they can be easily imported/transferred.
Submitted By: Diethelm Loerke
3. Window and Crossing Selection box Aligned with Crosshairs
When crosshairs are rotated, the window and crossing selection box should align with crosshairs.
Submitted By: Don Foltz
4. Graphically create or change hatch patterns
The ability to graphically create or change hatch patterns.
Submitted By: Florian Stuckenberg
5. Fillet 3D Polylines
The ability to fillet 3D Polylines
Submitted By: Thien Nguyen
6. Control Mirroring of Text in Blocks
Ability to control whether text/attributes are mirrored in blocks when the block is mirrored.
Submitted By: Florian Stuckenberg
7. Create and Zip Complete Drawing Package
The ability to create and zip a drawing package that includes multiple formats of same drawing (PDF, DWF) using eTransmit
Submitted By: Neil Foden
8. Dialog for Complex Linetypes
An editor for creation of complex linetypes.
9. Attributes Always Horizontal
The ability to set an attribute relative to UCS regardless of the rotation of the block.
Submitted By: Gunnar Jansson
10. Enable Renaming of Anonymous Blocks
The ability to rename anonymous blocks in the properties dialog or quick properties dialog.
Submitted By: David Henry
Keep hydrated my friends,