Autodesk University 2008 Reflections
AU Online Updated

AutoCAD 2009 Bonus Pack 2 - PDF Output Quality Improvements and File Size Reductions

In addition to the ability to now use a PDF underlay in AutoCAD 2009 so that you can reference and snap to vector geometry there were other PDF enhancements. One of the big enhancements was PDF output quality and file size reductions.


File Size of PDFs Reduced:

Tests using the AutoCAD Sample DWG Willhome.dwg
AutoCAD 2009 PDF = 2.697 MB
AutoCAD 2009 with Bonus Pack 2 PDF = 249 KB 
90.8% reduction in size

Test using a gradient test drawing:
AutoCAD 2009 PDF = 31.697 MB
AutoCAD 2009 with Bonus Pack 2 PDF =867 KB
97.3% reduction in size

We were even smaller than the PDF solution AcroPlot and Adobe Acrobat Pro 9 without compromising quality! With the smaller file sizes you get much faster opening of the PDF files.

Some of the other enhancements:

  • Exporting layers into PDF so they can be turned on or off in a PDF viewer.
  • Embedding some fonts into the PDF so that you can search for text strings in a PDF viewer.
  • Better quality and visual fidelity.
  • Support line merging.


While PDF is still not as well suited for electronic vector based design documents as the DWF format is, PDF export in the AutoCAD Bonus Pack 2 has been substantially improved for those that must use the PDF format.

The Bonus Packs are planned to be incorporated into future releases of AutoCAD, but for the current time they are available and use by AutoCAD Subscription customers from the Autodesk Subscription website.

