AutoCAD Like its 1992 AutoCAD Retro Profile
Congratulations to Mike and Melanie Perry

Ni hao, I am in Shanghai China for Autodesk University China 08

“Ni hao” “nihao” means Hello in Chinese.  I arrived last night after a long flight and am trying to adjust but was wide awake this morning at 4:30AM about 1PM the prior day my time back in the US. What a long last seven days as I was just in the Middle East just 6 days ago. Yesterdays flight from San Francisco went up over Alaska then down over Russia's Kamchatka peninsula, Siberia, Northern Korea, and then China.

Window Seat over China

Today I am going to have a look around Shanghai China and then rehearse for my presentations this week at Autodesk University China 08. I have to find a way to trim my presentations down to an hour and also take into account the reduction in time due to translation. I feel a “Lost in Translation” moment coming on.

On Saturday I head for Yokohama Japan to prepare for Autodesk University Japan 08. I should have some great photos throughout the trip, and yes the Matt Murphy Clay Head Sculpture made it safe and sound to China. My good friend and fellow desker Lynn Allen arrives today.

