What a Blast, Really
Autodesk University 2008 Attendance Number

Matt Murphy Clay Head Sculpture and Autodesk University 2008

Only seven more days until Autodesk University 2008!

The Matt Murphy Clay Head Sculpture was created by a contestant in the clay contest “Shape the future” at the MyFeedback booth last year using an AUGIWorld magazine picture of Matt Murphy as a reference. This green clay head has been held, touched, and for photos with people. It was even 3D scanned and printed as well as posed with well known entertainer Jay Leno.

The Matt Murphy Clay Head Sculpture by you.  Matt Murphy and his Clay Head Sculpture by you. Jay Leno and Matt Murphy Clay Head by you. 
The Matt Murphy Clay Head Sculpture in Yokohama Japan  Matt Murphy Clay Head Sculpture in China Clay Roadkill

The Matt Murphy Clay Head Sculpture on the Bonneville Salt Flats The Matt Murphy Clay Head Sculpture in Seattle Matt Murphy Clay Head Sculpture & the Historic Wall Arch Sign

So now the Matt Murphy Clay Head Sculpture has traveled around the world, attended many user groups worldwide, but it is looking pretty well traveled. It is made of soft clay and quickly becoming just a blob with rocks and other debris embedded in it in addition to the airline security screeners being tired of having to inspect it in my luggage .

It needs to be retired at Autodesk University 2008, but how?

Post your comment to this post on how we can retire the clay head in a legal and dignified manner at AU 2008.

