Ni hao, I am in Shanghai China for Autodesk University China 08
TechSmith Camtasia 6 Released – Screencasting Nirvana Tool

Congratulations to Mike and Melanie Perry

The big news for me today is not just the US elections (US residents please make sure to vote regardless of your choice), but rather the news that Mike and Melanie Perry have a new son.

Mike Perry and Melanie Stone (now Perry at AU 2005 Registration

Mike and Melanie are some of the most active volunteers for AUGI and I have known them for many years and appreciate all they do, and they do do a lot.

Thanks to Richard Binning @Binrock on Twitter alerting me to this momentous occasion of the birth of a new Autodesk product user.
Congratulations to @MikePerry & @MelaniePerry!

”Birth of beta son:
Declan Glen Perry 
7lbs 12oz and 21"

I wonder if Declan Glen Perry has long frizzy red hair and an English accent like his father? Baby photos are soon to be released, I am sure of that and if not I will Photoshop Mike on a babies body.

The only sad note is Melanie wont be attending Autodesk University in Las Vegas this year but she does have a valid excuse and I will keep an eye on her hubby to keep him out of trouble.

I am currently in Shanghai China preparing to go to the first day of Autodesk University China 08. Yesterday was spent exploring Shanghai and an area just outside the city with fellow Autodesk coworkers Joseph Wurcher, Ray Eisenberg, Matt Murphy Clay Head Sculpture, and Matt Olding.

Joseph, Matt, and Ray in Shanghai

