AutoCAD Like its 1992 AutoCAD Retro Profile
01 November 2008
So you like new features of AutoCAD but like the old AutoCAD R12 look. Now you can use the following AutoCAD 2009 profile to set your AutoCAD to look similar to AutoCAD R12, if you really want to go retro.
Place this profile in your AutoCAD search path.
You can even copy your AutoCAD 2009 icon to a new one and name it “Retro CAD” or as I did “AutoCAD 2009 – Retro”.
Right-click the new icon and then in the Target change to load the retro profile.
"C:\Program Files\AutoCAD 2009\acad.exe" /p retro
Start from the new Retro icon and you should end up with the retro look with the black background, blue command line with white text, 100% crosshairs, no ribbon, and the screen menu. I left on the other productive features of newer AutoCAD so you can work more productive yet set your AutoCAD to look like you are back in 90’s..
Have fun.