At the CAD Midwest Technology Expo in Kansas City Tomorrow Sept. 30 2008
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Good time in Kansas City

I presented to the Midwest CAD Technology EXPO as well as the Kansas City AutoCAD Users Group yesterday, and had a fantastic time.

image  I also showed off the real clay Matt Murphy Clay head Sculpture as well as a 3D laser scanned and 3D printed version of the clay head in ABS material.

Pete Southwood shows AutoCAD Map 3DPete Southwood of Autodesk showed some features of AutoCAD Map 3D that non GIS users would like such as drawing cleanup and the multiple users able to edit the same DWG.

Between the presentations I spent some downtime sitting and talking with the lead architect and project construction manager of a major retail chain about their challenges and also about sustainable architecture and technology. One topic of our conversation that we discussed at length was how we need to get more young people interested in technology architecture and engineering, or we are in for a poor future. What was also an eye opening learning experience for me was how retail stores are trying to save energy as well as he told me about how some modular buildings for residential are not your mobile homes, but made of high end construction quality and materials. Sometimes the greatest discussions and educational opportunities take place spontaneously.

After the Kansas City AutoCAD Users Group I spent time talking with several members, so long that I left too late for dinner at Jack Stacks or the Summit Hickory Pit and the only thing left open I the area was McDonalds... I was surprised that Kansas City restaurants on a Tuesday night for the most part close at 9-10 PM. Missing some great KC BBQ was a sad thing, but the discussions were worth trade off.

TopoFusion Pro SLC to MCII am now headed for breakfast (do they have breakfast bbq in KC), then the airport for travel back to Salt Lake.I wish I had more time to visit with more people perhaps even Mike and Melanie Perry up in St Louis, but unfortunately not this time.


