AutoCAD 2009 Article - Much More to AutoCAD 2009 Than Meets the Eye
06 October 2008
David Cohn published a new AutoCAD 2009 and AutoCAD LT 2009 article “Much More to AutoCAD 2009 Than Meets the Eye” in Desktop Engineering. It is a good and very well balanced article which points out there is more than the initial impression of the interface changes to AutoCAD 2009. David also wrote about the interface changes and that he preferred them, but you can customize and revert back to an older AutoCAD styled interface.
That is one of the strengths of AutoCAD in that you can customize it to your own needs and likes. We knew that if we were to develop the ribbon in AutoCAD that we would have to go above and beyond the ribbon in Microsoft's Office to make it customizable.
So with AutoCAD 2009 the tradition of make it your way and almost 3 ways to most anything continue to the delight of many.