AutoCAD 2009 Article - Much More to AutoCAD 2009 Than Meets the Eye
Current Times Require Extra Efforts

AUGI Top DAUG 2008 T-Shirt

Go view and vote for the new AUGI TOP DAUG tee shirt design. AUGI membership is free and there are plenty of benefits like training top ten wish lists, AU discounts, along with about 100,000 members to network with.

There are some very creative designs! Go vote before October 17th. (you must login to vote but membership is free). I

I personally liked AUGI Top Daug 2008 Entry




and AUGI Top Daug 2008 Entries





I recently posted a flyer to my Flickr Autodesk and AutoCAD History Gallery from AUGI’s past back from when they were known as NAAUG North American AutoCAD Users Group.

NAAUG Brochure front NAAUG Brochure back

