Question - How Many Scan to 3D or Print to 3D with AutoCAD?
AutoCAD HeliCOOL 3D Render Drawing

Question – Do You Have AutoCAD HATCH Issues?

image AutoCAD HATCH objects are probably one of the most commonly used of the AutoCAD objects, but they do have some limitations and reported issues.

We are looking for examples of problems with AutoCAD HATCH objects so we can research further based on the customer examples we receive. We know there are some issues related due to extreme/large coordinates (object a great distance from the origin 0,0) and the CPU FPU Floating Point precision and rounding but want all examples. If you have an AutoCAD HATCH object issue, please send an email to me with details of the issue such as the version of AutoCAD or AutoCAD LT, types of situations it occurs, and a detailed explanation of the problem along with a small sample DWG.

Thank You,
