AU ~ Autodesk University 2008
AutoCAD LT Webcast Recording Available

I am the Autodesk Platform Technology Evangelist

Just mentioning for those that did not know I have a new title. shaan_blogI am is the Autodesk Platform Technology Evangelist and a user of many Autodesk products with time spent in a design seat as a customer.

My job is to listen and speak with customers about what they use, like, and dislike as well as speed bumps in their current workflow that we might be able to help solve together. I also research problems and work with testing and development teams to isolate the potential problems. I also get the geek task of keeping an eye on technology and communicating direct to product managers and the development teams.

I am still the manager of the betas for all Autodesk products hosted on and have been for many years so I have contact and experience with all Autodesk product and technology teams and their customers.

I just wanted to clear up my title change confusion and what it really meant.

