AU ~ Autodesk University 2008
22 July 2008
Au is also the symbol on the table of periodic elements for Gold which I find fitting as AU is a golden opportunity. :-)
The class schedule for Autodesk University 2008 has been published on the AU blog by Joseph Wurcher BLAUG:
AU 2008 Session Catalog!
AU 2008 Session Catalog (XLS format) current only for right now and subject to change.
For AutoCAD alone there are 136 sessions accounting for over 13,410 minutes.
AutoCAD PowerTrack
- 3D—Create, Modify and Visualization
- Customize—CUI, Action Recording & Scripts
- Programming—AutoLISP, AutoCAD .NET, VBA
- Intelligent Annotation—Tables, Fields, Data Extraction and Annotate Scaling
- Managing Content Standards—Dynamic Blocks and Tool Palettes
- Sheet Sets
General Design and Drafting
Curriculum covers a wide range of topics emphasizing such areas as drafting, detailing, documentation, and publishing with AutoCAD. Class content offers productivity tips and techniques related to publishing, CAD standards management, and key AutoCAD features.
For those of you wondering, yes the infamous Matt Murphy Clay Head Sculpture that was born at AU 2007 will be at AU 2008.
AutoCAD Sessions currently scheduled:
- AutoCAD® Tool Palettes A to Z
- The Heartache of CAD Consulting
- Document Management Nuts and Bolts 2008: A Power User’s Guide to Data and Information Management Requirements
- Project Collaboration: Do You Speak DWG™?
- Selling the Value of CAD Management
- Supporting CAD Systems and Users
- Data Drives Our Decisions: CAD Management from A to Z
- CAD Manager's Notebook 2009, Part I
- CAD Manager’s Notebook 2009, Part II
- "Fatal Error to Unhandled Exception": Managing File Corruption in AutoCAD®
- Delivering Expert CAD Support For Dummies
- CAD Leadership 2008
- Implementation Tools and Techniques That No CAD Manager Can Live Without
- Learn to Hack AutoCAD® Installations for Custom Deployments
- Managing the AutoCAD® CUI and Empowering the Users
- CAD Manager’s Training, Standards, and Productivity Guide
- Introduction to VBScript for CAD Administrators
- Networking AutoCAD® A to Z
- AutoLISP® for CAD Managers
- Networking A to Z: A Hands-On Lab with AutoCAD®, Part I
- AutoCAD® Tips and Tricks for User Customization
- Another AutoCAD® Upgrade, Another AutoCAD® Training: When, How, Who, and Why?
- Networking A to Z: A Hands-On Lab with AutoCAD®, Part II
- Hands-On Migration Using the CUI in AutoCAD®
- AutoCAD® Emergency Room
- CAD Standards: How to Get Started
- The Thankless Job of a CAD Manager
- Getting New Employees Up to Speed
- Common Sense AutoCAD®
- WAN Solutions Shootout
- Efficient CAD Management through Customization
- AutoLISP® Editor: It Should be Easy...It Is!
- The Power of ObjectARX®
- Tapping into the Power of the AutoCAD® API
- .NET Command Lab
- The ABC's of CUI in AutoCAD®
- AutoLISP® by Example, Part I
- High-Octane ObjectARX®
- DWG™ File Manipulation with VB.NET
- The dXf Files: Unraveling the Mysteries of AutoCAD® DXF™
- AutoLISP® Level Two: Beyond the Crash Course
- VB.NET Command School
- Fundamentals of AutoLISP®
- Customization 101: AutoCAD® and AutoCAD LT®
- Creating AutoCAD® Jigs in VB.NET: An Introduction
- Working with Actions and the AutoCAD® Action Recorder
- Hands-On Introduction to the Art of Making AutoCAD® Jigs
- Using the New AutoCAD® Data Extraction API with VB.NET
- Save Our Source! Converting VBA to VB.NET
- Advanced AutoCAD® Jigs Workshop
- Take This Ribbon and…Tweak It! (Hands On)
- C# .NET Command School
- Selected for Speed: Using Selection Sets for Faster Operation
- Custom Object Snaps and Other Geometry Calculator Tricks in AutoCAD®
- CUIs Demystified
- Adding Settings to the AutoCAD® Options Dialog with VB.NET
- The AutoLISP® Crash Course
- Good Habits for Coding in Visual LISP®
- A Pattern for Storing Structured Data in AutoCAD® Entities
- LISP: Advance Yourself Beyond A Casual Programmer
- Automating CAD Standards with Visual LISP®
- OpenDCL: DCL Has Evolved!
- Hands-On Introduction to C# AutoCAD® Programming
- ObjectARX®: Improving Application Performance and Handling Large Data Sets
- AutoCAD® .NET Advanced Tips and Tricks
- AutoCAD® APIs: Meet the Experts
- AutoCAD® APIs: The Right Tool for the Job
- AutoCAD® .NET Basics
- There's More to DWG™ than AutoCAD®
- Enrich Your DWF™
- AutoCAD .NET: A Tour
- AutoCAD® .NET: Developing for AutoCAD using F#
- AutoCAD® .NET: Developing a User Interface
- AutoCAD® .NET: Advanced UI Design using WPF
- AutoCAD .NET: Using .NET with your LISP Applications
- ObjectARX®: Easy Ways to Crash your AutoCAD® Add-In (and How to Avoid Them)
- Getting Certified: Get the Recognition and Rewards You Deserve
- What We Should Really Be Teaching in the 2D AutoCAD® 2009 Classroom, Part I
- What We Should Really Be Teaching in the 3D AutoCAD® 2009 Classroom, Part II
- The World’s Greatest Training Secrets Revealed!
- Academic Certification: Give Your Students a Head Start in their Design Careers
- Make 'Em Laugh, Make 'Em Learn
- Secrets to Passing the AutoCAD® Certification Exams—Revealed!
- CUI and the Ribbon
- Tips & Tricks: Advanced DWF™ Publishing from AutoCAD®
- The Dos and Don’ts of Dynamic Blocks—Revealed!
- Soak. Wash. Rinse. Spin. Repeat 1000 Times: Passionate Scripting For Everyone
- Using Google Earth™ with AutoCAD®
- Understanding and Mastering Metric and Imperial Systems in AutoCAD®
- Rendering Techniques in 3D AutoCAD®, Part I
- AutoCAD 2009 Tips and Techniques
- Project-Based Title Blocks using Fields, Attributes, and References
- AutoCAD® Secrets EXPOSED
- Rendering Techniques in 3D AutoCAD®, Part II
- CAD Enough? Understanding the Differences Between AutoCAD® and MicroStation®
- Creating and Editing 3D Solid Models in AutoCAD® 2009
- AUGI Tips & Tricks: The Final Tour
- Release the Power of AutoCAD® Sheet Sets using Fields and Page Setups
- Painless Productivity Programming with the AutoCAD® Action Recorder—Revealed!
- Crankin' Out the Details: Creating 2D Details from AutoCAD® 3D Models
- 90 AutoCAD Tips in 90 Minutes
- Automate Your Plotting: “One Touch Plotting”
- The Future of AutoCAD® as a Concept-to-Completion Solution
- Hands-On Introduction to Dynamic Blocks in AutoCAD®
- Blockbusters: Unleashing the Power of Dynamic Blocks in AutoCAD®—Revealed!
- Attributes from A to X: Automation to eXtractions
- Up And Down the Scales In AutoCAD®
- Becoming an AutoCAD® PowerUser
- Managing Your Standards and Reusable Content with AutoCAD® Tool Palettes—Revealed!
- How to Clean Anything in AutoCAD®
- Five Free Tools to Make Your Job Easier
- EAT TEXT: Out Of The Box AutoCAD® and Excel® Integration
- Dancin' in the Sheets! Sheet Set Functionality in AutoCAD®
- Release the Power of AutoCAD® Sheet Sets using Fields and Page Setups
- The Productivity Power of AutoCAD® Tool Palettes—Revealed!
- Annotation Objects In-Depth
- The Express Tools: AutoCAD® Software's Built-in Productivity Tools
- Make the Most of Your AutoCAD® Subscription!
- 3D AutoCAD® for All of Us!
- Outstanding in your FIELD
- Annotation Scaling—Making Drawings Smarter with Intelligent Text
- It's a 3D World After All: AutoCAD® 2009
- Customizer's Guide:The CUI and Its Components
- Ogres Have Layers: Beginning with their Templates
- Keep It Inside AutoCAD®: Data Extraction Direct to AutoCAD® Tables
- Field Density
- The 12 Hidden Secrets of AutoCAD® Productivity—Revealed!
- Compelling 3D Features in AutoCAD®
- If You Can Draw in 2D, You Can Model in 3D
- AU Keynote: Inspiring Creativity in the Classroom
- AU Keynote: Autodesk Delivers to the Process and Power Industries
- An Introduction to AutoCAD® Structural Detailing
- Tips & Tricks for printing from Autodesk applications (Repeat)
- Total Customer Experience with Workstations – “Using Experience” Feedback Session
- AutoLISP® by Example, Part II