AutoCAD 2009 and AutoCAD LT Discussion Forums
AutoCAD 2009 New, Changed, Removed Commands and System Variables

The First AutoCAD 2009 Books

These books/courseware are written by industry experts and the same courseware used by Autodesk Training Centers (ATC) around the world. These new books/courseware will be available worldwide in about 7-10 days from

AutoCAD 2009:  Transitioning from AutoCAD 2008 (English)clip_image001

Using hands-on exercises, students learn about the productivity changes from AutoCAD® 2008 to AutoCAD® 2009. Students learn how to efficiently navigate the new ribbon tabs and panels and use the Menu Browser and Quick Access toolbar. This courseware teaches students how the interface works and how to customize it to their specific work style. Students also explore how to create custom action macros using the Action Recorder, which helps save time by automating daily routines. Additionally, students use the ViewCube and the Steering Wheel navigation tools to simplify the navigation of 2D and 3D space. Students learn how to create dynamic presentations by adding camera effects to drawing views using ShowMotion, and finally, students receive an overview of how to use the DWFx file format for sharing designs with the rest of the world.

Course Duration: 1 day.
(160 pages. Includes a 30-day trial of the software).

AutoCAD 2009 / AutoCAD LT 2009: Essentials (English) clip_image002

Students learn the features, commands, and techniques for creating, editing, and printing drawings with AutoCAD® 2009 and AutoCAD LT® 2009. Using hands-on exercises, students explore how to create 2D production drawings.  This Essentials book can also prepare you to take the AutoCAD 2009 Certification Exams.

Course Duration: 3 days
(Volume 1 ~ 340 pages; Volume 2 ~ 250 pages Includes a 30-day trial of the software).
