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Free One Click 2D and 3D Design Collaboration - Updated ShareNow Utility from Autodesk Labs

This free utility from Autodesk Labs allows you to one click publish to the free hosted Project Freewheel from your AutoCAD based products as well as Autodesk Revit and Autodesk Inventor Autodesk Freewheel is for quick and easy sharing of designs online in the DWF format.

Scott provides a detailed list of the update on his Its Alive Autodesk Labs blog.

figure 1Here is the new floating toolbar after I installed the latest ShareNow on AutoCAD 2009 as I gave it a run through.

figure 2Figure 2 is my design published to Project Freewheel which is a hosted zero client viewing site meaning nothing is required to be installed to view 2D or 3D designs. No need to be clogging up emails with attached files or someone having to install something to view a design or be on a certain version of a viewing application.

You can use the Wheel to Zoom and Pan within the design.
figure 3

share sessionThere is the option to save your session and share your design with others using your free Autodesk Labs login and password protect your session sharing. Those with whom you share the session with do not have to install anything at all just use their browser. You can even share a drawing set or email others of the link to the design session.

share session password 

When you invited guest views the link to your design shared in Project Freewheel they can markup and even view the markup list.

shared session markup options

Download ShareNow

Feedback email: [email protected].
Project Freewheel:

