Shaan is in São Paulo Brasil
Autodesk Products and Microsoft Windows Vista White Paper

São Paulo Brasil CAD Camp

I had a great time yesterday attending and presenting at the São Paulo CAD Camp. AUGI Brasil did a great job as did the host and the Universidade São Judas. I saw so many people that I had known only by email in attendance as well as good Brazilian friends. Some came from as far as Curitiba Brasil by bus to attend and said it was well worth it. I heard from some in attendance that the instructors were top notch. It was also a treat to see my Autodesk 25 years history article translated in the Portuguese AUGIWorld Magazine.

Later in the evening I went to a dinner with instructors and AUGI Brasil hosted by Herbert Ortiz the AUGI Brazil Country Chapter Coordinator and also of OFCDesk LLC at a São Paulo pizza restaurant which was excellent. São Paulo is well known for its pizza. I will post more once I catch up on email and relocate to another part of São Paulo today. This city is HUGE and the heavy rain currently makes getting anywhere a difficult and long task. I have uploaded a few photos from CAD Camp in my Flickr

São Paulo Brasil São Paulo CAD Camp
São Paulo CAD Camp São Paulo CAD Camp

Até depois!