AutoCAD Turns 25
Big Name Coming to the CAD Blogosphere - David Harrington

Made it Home, Now off to South America

I made it back to Utah and am now packing for travel to Brazil tomorrow. The drive yesterday took twice as long as I hit heavy snow and fog making for a interesting long drive. I have the Matt Murphy Clay Head Sculpture in my possession but have not determined if I will take the clay head with me as it would suffer a terrible meltdown in the heat and humidity. I did get a photo of it in a few locations on the way home like the Mojave desert, Zion National Park, and as a head on a snowman in Meadow Utah. I think I will place it in storage for safe keeping and take it to AU 2008 in Vegas next year.



Look at my Flickr gallery from AU 2007 and soon photos from Brazil and Peru. You an also share your AU 2007 photos in the free AU 2007 pool group pool. I hope everyone made it home safe and sound and kept the knowledge gained and business cards from those they met.

Autodesk University 2007 (Pool)
