Back in Utah
14 December 2007
I have been from Brasil to New York to Utah this week ranging from 30C and sunny summer to -5C and over a foot of snow. Luckily my flight out of New York at JFK airport made it out just before the snow hit there and canceled many flights. I was supposed to be in Peru near the headwaters of the Amazon today but I had a sick relative that warranted my early return. It has been a crazy past 3+ weeks of travel, AU 2007, hiking, Brasil CAD Camp, work, and will take some time to recover.
I have began tracking my flights on a Garmin trex Venture HC GPS device. It is so cool to know when your plane at the given speed and heading should arrive at the destination. It also answers the age old questions of mine of what city is that down there below me or mountain or lake. With my GPS I know exactly where I am at and what city, lake or mountain that is. I can even import my tracks into Google Earth Pro on my laptop to monitor the trip or keep records of travels.