Bah Humbug, Scrooge is in the Lab
Counting Down to 2008

Autodesk will be closed

Autodesk will be closed for the annual week of rest and the holidays from the 22nd of December until the 2nd of January. Contacting Autodesk employees during this time may be difficult as we spend time with our families and prepare for the new year.

     I sincerely appreciate everyone's feedback over the past years and look forward to an even better new year. Thank you for reading and replying to this blog as it has been a pleasure. I welcome any feedback or suggestions to improve or content ideas for the tens of thousands that read this blog daily. I have tried to keep the topics varied from Autodesk and AutoCAD to technology and photography as well to keep things fun and informative appealing to this wide and diverse audience.

     A blog is like a conversation and not really for press release type of text words and tone but a personal view and opinions. The personal expression and tone are what makes a blog really different from just a web page. If the tone or words don't sound like a someone really sitting down with you over a cup of coffee, then the personal feel is lost. If I get out of bounds or wander too much please let me know so I can adjust my course but know that with this blog you get the real me good bad or indifferent it is me along with my opinions, bias, my passion for design and Autodesk products as well as geek gadgets, and of coarse my warped sense of humor which sometimes does not translate into other languages too well.

I have some big and exciting plans for the new year 2008 and this blog.

Have a very happy holidays, Merry Christmas, and a safe and great New Years.

Shaan Hurley
Autodesk, Inc.