Autodesk University 2007 Photo Sharing Group on Flickr
Windows Vista Service Pack 1

Peruvian Jungle Town Rush Hour and Packing

I am currently packing for my hiking in the Vermillion Cliffs/Paria Wilderness landmark The Wave (more wave links The Wave Revisited, Coyote Buttes, My July 2007 Wave trek) in Northern Arizona and Southern Utah on Saturday then Autodesk University in Las Vegas. 1 day after I return from Autodesk University I depart for São Paulo Brasil (Brazil) for the AUGI CAD Camp where I will be giving two presentations with a question and answer session following "Ajude a moldar o futuro dos produtos da Autodesk" and "Autodesk e AutoCAD 25 anos de história , e o futuro". On the 11th of December since I would already be in South America I plan to make a terk into the beauty of the South American continent as I did a few years back into the Brazilian Amazon. This time I am having a hard time figuring out where my trek will take me with only a small bag (no laptop or other valuables) and my camera. I am looking into another off the beaten track to cleanse the mind and see the rarely seen areas with nobody in front of me or behind on the trail in many places. It is a virtual going tribal trek. The final candidate locations since I have credits for South American air passes for flights to cities in which to use as a base camp or starting point of my personal expedition is Iquitos Peru, Maranhão Brasil, or the Pantanal and Bonito Brasil region.

The video below from YouTube shows the rush hour traffic in Belen Peru near Iquitos. I am thing Iquitos would be a great base camp to start a photo trek. It has all the makings of a great escape and some regions within about 100km from Iquitos are considered to be remote, wild, tribal, vivid, raw, untamed, and uncharted. Yo9u can even get a dorm room at Hobo Hideout for $7 a night but no air conditioning. I have all my yellow fever shots and will pick up some malaria pills for sure before leaving. So I think in writing this Iquitos Peru will be my cheap base point for a nice photo trek and wildlife viewing for a few days.

Here are some photos from Flickr around Iquitos Peru.
Iquitos - AmazonasIQUITOS JULY 18TH (36)IquitosIquitos Explorama 23-26th Nov 06 182
Iquitos Explorama 23-26th Nov 06 192Iquitos - Rio NanayIquitos Peru124 Iquitos - HeliconiasWildlife, Iquitos, Peru

053 Iquitos - Amazonas136 Iquitos - Canotaje - Ricardoiquitos