Autodesk MyFeedback Team Booth 900 at AU 2007
Pecha Kucha ペチャクチャ at Autodesk University 2007

Leonid Nemirovsky Wins the Cadalyst Hot Tip Harry Contest

Congratulations to CAD Veteran Leonid Nemirovsky for winning the Autodesk University 2007 trip. Hopefully he plans on stopping at the MyFeedback meet and greet event or the MyFeedback booth #900.

"Cadalyst has awarded a trip to Autodesk University 2007 to prolific AutoCAD tip contributor Leonid Nemirovsky. The trip is the grand prize in Cadalyst's year-long Hot Tip Harry Challenge 2007 contest, sponsored by Autodesk.

Leonid NemirovskyNemirovsky was selected in a random drawing of all authors of tips published this year in Cadalyst's popular "Hot Tip Harry" column of AutoCAD customization tips. He received airfare, lodging, and a pass Autodesk University, to be held in Las Vegas, Nevada, November 27-30. "

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The Autodesk MyFeedback and AutoCAD Team also awarded two fully paid scholarships to Autodesk University for active members of the MyFeedback Community.
