Autodesk and AutoCAD Celebrating 25 Years of Design Innovation!
15 August 2007
And to celebrate you will soon start to see activities and celebrations. launching today is a fun site about the Autodesk AutoCAD 25 years with some information like trivia, timeline, and profiles and comments from some longtime Autodesk customers.
I love the "Legends of AutoCAD" and recognize the names and faces. I swear Rusty Gesner has not aged in the many years I have known him. It is also very nice to see Lucio on the front page. Also shown Jack Foster, Paul Laycock "G'Day Mate", and Carole Hibbard. Each has a podcast file you can play.
I know some of the trivia is fairly simple as I got 15 out of 15 my first try in less than 1 minute. :-)
I am trying to get a 386 with DOS 5.0 perhaps one of those sweet 45 pound laptops from the 1980's to run AutoCAD release 1 or 2 on at Autodesk University this year in celebration of the anniversary.
I started using AutoCAD in R11, when did you start?