Everyday Edisons Television Documentary
04 May 2007
Autodesk is proud to partner with Everyday Edisons, produced by Bouncing Brain Productions, and set to air in the United States nationwide on PBS.
Premiering April 28, 2007, the Everyday EdisonsSM series follows seven aspiring inventors as they realize their dreams with the help of Autodesk® Inventor™ and Autodesk® AliasStudio™ software. See the entire process—from idea to production—unfold on this televised, 14-part documentary.
Autodesk Link to Everyday Edisons Article
Daniel L. Bizzell IDSA
Director of Industrial Design: Enventys partner and Lead Designer for the Everyday Edisons television show
Ian Kovacevich
VP of Engineering and Design, Enventys
Director of Engineering for the Everyday Edisons television show
Kevin Dahlquist
Engineer, Enventys
Engineer for the Everyday Edisons television show
Chris Hoy
Senior Engineer, Enventys
Engineer for the Everyday Edisons television show
Jerry Shew
Engineer, Enventys
Engineer for the Everyday Edisons television show
Tom Philpott
Engineer, Enventys
Engineer for the Everyday Edisons television show