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Want to Be a Presenter at Autodesk University?

The Autodesk University User Conference and Exhibition (AU) is Autodesk's premier annual event. AU is all about empowering professionals with training, resources, and contacts to help them realize their best ideas.

Attendees are seeking Autodesk and partner solutions that will help them align their careers and their organizations for success in today's fast-changing industries.

Autodesk University 2007 will return to the remarkable Venetian Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada, November 27–30. If you’ve ever attended AU, you know that this annual event is Autodesk’s largest product-user conference, with hundreds of classes and labs taught by top-notch instructors and industry professionals. We expect this year to have the largest turnout yet, with more than 8,000 attendees and over 500 sessions.

Share Your Expertise with Like-Minded Professionals
Our goal is to consistently improve the value attendees get out of Autodesk University. In fact, many professionals return to AU each year because the high-quality classes and large number of knowledgeable instructors are some of the best to be found anywhere.
Going into our 15th year, we look forward to offering a terrific curriculum of courses presented by outstanding speakers.

If you would like to be considered as a presenter for the AU 2007 faculty, we invite you to submit your proposal online.

Autodesk University 2007:

When:   November 27–30, 2007
Where: The Venetian Resort Hotel

The deadline for proposal submissions is April 30, 2007.

You can submit proposals at the following URL:

Am I a potential instructor?

Those of you who’ve taught classes in the past should have already received a note requesting class proposals. Those of you have not taught before but have thought about teaching should submit a class proposal.

Here’s what we’re looking for in the presenters…

  1. People who are comfortable in front of a LOT of people. Depending on schedule and numbers of class registrants, you may have 500-700 people in the room.
  2. People who are energetic – the shortest lectures are 90 minutes and we frown on snoring in the audience.
  3. People who can (and will) share real-world best practices and guidance that will help others successfully adopt Civil 3D in production. Heck – that’s what AU is all about!

Note that there are classes (lectures) and Labs (hands-on) sessions. You should define what you want the proposal to be, but we may need to change it as we juggle the agenda. Those of you who are new may also want to consider being a lab assistant.

Joseph's AU Blog

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