Autodesk - Trusted DWG - DWG TrueView 2007 DWG Version Released
13 April 2006
Autodesk - Trusted DWG - DWG TrueView.
Use DWG TrueView software to accurately view, plot, and publish authentic DWG files. You can:
- Share AutoCAD® drawings easily and accurately among engineers and architects.
- View and plot DWG™ and DXF™ files, and then publish them as DWF™ files for quick and easy review and markup in Autodesk® DWF™ Composer.
- Publish 3D DWF files.
- Get full support for the DWG 2007 file format.
- Ensure the integrity and reliability of your data with authentic Autodesk DWG.
- Have enhanced viewing capability with the built-in Autodesk® DWF™ Viewer.
- Always get full drawing fidelity because the DWG viewer is built on the same viewing technology as AutoCAD® 2007 software.
More on DWG TrueView:
System Requirements
This is a 119Mb download due to DWG TrueView being essentially AutoCAD 2007. It also views all DWG files from version 2.0 of AutoCAD back in 1984 including custom object support.