Sad day in London
Autodesk Batch DWG Converter Beta

Over 7 Million DWF Viewer Downloads


In June 2005 we reached 7+ Million downloads of the DWF viewer. The monthly download rates are increasing. The number of people downloading the free Autodesk DWF Viewer continues to grow due to the popularity and benefits of the DWF format.

To put this in perspective, each of the following is roughly 7 million:

* The total population of Virginia; Oklahoma and Oregon combined; or Switzerland.

* The entire population the Roman Empire in 47 AD.

* If you had a US $1 bill for each download, the currency would weigh 14,000 pounds and would require 450,100 cubic inches of storage space. (Yeah, I wish I had a $1 for each download.)

* The number of pounds of prepared and ground mustard imported into the United States each year.

* The number of years ago that an ape-like creature (named "Toomai," by scientists, with distinctly human features) walked upright on the face of the earth.

* The number in miles of paved roads in the United States.

Thank you to all of the DWF users out there!
