Be careful with fireworks...
05 July 2005
I may be slow in posts this week...Yesterday was the US holiday the Fourth of July. On the Fourth of July there are lots of fireworks watched and also many light their own fireworks to celebrate the holiday.
I had an accident with a firework yesterday that has essentially left me with a bandage on my right hand for the next week or two covering a burn and also a free & unplanned hair cut. I was quite lucky that it was not worse and I did not lose anything and it is only effecting my ability to type. I can tell you that it definitely left a lasting impression on my children on what not to do with fireworks. I will never forget my daughters face after the mushroom cloud of smoke had cleared and there was her daddy with a shocked look on his face and covered in singed hair like a mad scientist. I know it sounds funny and I can laugh about it now.
Be safe when working/playing with fireworks and take them very seriously as they are not to be played with.
Now I have to get back to the ridicule treatment by my coworkers.