ACADINFO... the hidden support and troubleshooting tool in AutoCAD
27 July 2005
ACADINFO is a command utility for gathering information about your AutoCAD installation and current settings. You can find this utility in you AutoCAD 2006 Support directory.
To run the utility in AutoCAD 2006 just use the ACADINFO command. The routine will examine your system and write a text file called “acadinfo.txt” to your specified location on the hard drive.
The ACADINFO tool was originally developed as an AutoCAD Express Tool to aid support and troubleshooting. Since its early days it has been added to the Support path in core AutoCAD 2006.
Some highlights of the data that is exported:
General Information:
User Name
Computer Name
File loading information: An example is the currently loaded ARX applications. This information can help troubleshoot systems. Perhaps one system has a non base AutoCAD utility loaded and you can unload that ARX to help rule that out.
System Variable settings: This is great to compare the differences between systems. You can even use a file compare tool to highlight differences between the systems.