8 Million Downloads of Autodesk DWF Viewer!
25 July 2005
It seems like only yesterday (June 2005) that we reached 7 Million downloads of the Autodesk DWF viewer. Now here it isn’t even August yet, and we have reached 8 million. The number of people downloading the free Autodesk DWF Viewer continues to grow due to the popularity and benefits of the DWF format over other electronic formats for CAD documents.
To put this in perspective, each of the following is roughly 8 million:
- The total population of Georgia, New Jersey, or North Carolina.
- The number of internet users in Germany.
- Measured in cubic meters, the supply of plywood in Japan.
- Number of copies sold of the HarryPotter and the Sorcerer's Stone video game.
- The distance between the planet Saturn and its moon Phoebe.
- More downloads than there are lines of code in AutoCAD!
Thank you to all of the DWF users out there!