Desktop Search Tools - I love MSN Desktop Search!
04 January 2005
A few weeks back I mentioned in a post in this blog I had tried the Google Desktop and then un-installed it because I did not like it for multiple reasons. Then I decided to try the new beta of the MSN Desktop Search. Well after a few weeks I am not sure I could do without the MSN Desktop Search. It allows me to search for documents, contacts, files, emails, photos, music, appointments, Outlook Express posts, and instant messenger text logs on my machine fast and easy. It has been a huge benefit for me to find stuff fast based on keyword searches. For example when I am looking for emails for a specific person, I can simply enter their name and see all emails, instant messages, files, discussion group posts, web pages, and appointments related to this person.
For some cool tips on the MSN Desktop Search read the article by Wei-Meng Lee
Inside Secrets of MSN Desktop Search
To use the MSN Desktop Search, you need to download the MSN Toolbar Suite.
The MSN Search teams blog: