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Tip/Trick: Multiple Columns of Mtext in AutoCAD 2005

I received a comment from a AutoCAD user that was using AutoCAD 2005 and wanted to have columns in Mtext. I showed a inventive method to accomplish this and control the columns and easily edit them individually. Simply create a AutoCAD Table object with no Header or Title and no border then placing the Mtext in the Table cells.

DWF of final MTEXT in columns Download Table-Mtext-Layout1.dwf
You can view this using the free Autodesk DWF Viewer from http://www.autodesk.com/dwf

Steps to create a Table style to be used to place the Mtext in.
New_table Tabledlg2 Tabledlg3 Tabledlg4 Tabledlg5

Now create the Mtext in a Table cell

Editing the created Mtext in the Table cell

The Print preview of the completed Mtext in columns.

Shaan on holiday vacation until January 3rd.

PS: This is post 498 in this blog.
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