Have a Safe and Happy New Year
31 December 2004
I know in light of the earthquake and tsunami disaster in Asia Pacific and the nightclub fire in Argentina it is extremely hard to celebrate anything in the same celebratory mood without a heavy heart.
I would like to wish all a very safe and happy New Years. I wish all of those in the disaster regions a speedy recovery and that everyone across the world pulls together to help in the recovery efforts. For those partaking in the champagne and spirits, please make sure to have a designated driver or take a taxi cab when headed home so you and others will be around for the new year. .
We must all look forward and make 2005 a great and prosperous year for all.
This is my last blog post for the year 2004.
Shaan Hurley
PS: I am not looking forward to having to get used to writing dates with the new year as it normally takes me about 3 months to get it straight. So if you get an email from me and I still refer to the year 2004, please forgive me in advance as I most likely mean 2005