AutoCAD Layer Filter and APP ID Purge Tool
AutoCAD Quick Guide by Lee Ambrosius

Autodesk University 2005 in Orlando Florida

Img_0146 You may have heard that Autodesk University 2005 will be held in Orlando Florida next year November 29th through December 2nd 2005 at Disney World. In my opinion this will be the largest and best CAD event ever held at the Disney location as I have attended others there. I am hoping to get some special things arranged since Disney is a large Autodesk customer and much of the park rides and facilities were designed using Autodesk software. I am also considering some contests later in the year for some theme park passes. The Beta Team may also do what was done this year and that is to provide a free all expenses paid trip to some who are active in the Autodesk feedback and beta programs.

I believe next years Autodesk University will be even larger than this years record 4500 attendee event. In fact I mentioned to someone attending the keynote presentation that the audience which numbered in the thousands left many standing on the edges of the room and that number of standing attendees was larger than most other CAD events get as their total attendee numbers.

I hope to see you in Orlando as it is definitely going to be a great time and more of the top notch classes and experts.

As far as Autodesk University 2004 and the class handouts for download goes, they have not been released yet to my knowledge. When they are available, all AU attendees will receive information by email on how to download them and the password. I mention this as I have received over 25 emails asking me for the password.

