Asia Pacific Region Needs Help After Disaster
28 December 2004
My heart absolutely goes out to those in the Asia Pacific region after the large 9.0 earthquake and following tsunami. My deepest sympathies to the victims, families and communities. There have been so many lost of lives and housing. It is a huge disaster and the news reports are almost too much to watch. Currently the reported number of lives lost is at 58,000.
Please join Autodesk in assisting in the recovery efforts as so many need your help.
USA: Care USA, Red Cross
For those looking for information on relatives or travelers in the region, you can look for people or news from some in the region in the Lonely Planet forums you would like to donate to the relief effort, these organizations are equipped to offer both immediate and long term assistance: Australia: Care AUS, Red Cross
UK: Care UK, Red Cross
Global: UNICEF, Save the Children