Combining CAD DWF's and Mind Mapping
Vizdepot Visualization Contests

Last few days

baker1I spent the labor day holiday in the Nevada desert near Baker and Great Basin National Park. I even got a chance to fly around in a small plane while there. I packed for hot weather, but it was snowing in the area the day I had arrived. I posted some photos to my Daily Grind photo blog including a photo of the famous highway 50 sneaker tree.

Other items over the holiday was a Beta Programs and MyFeedback unplanned server migration back to Windows 2000 Server due to the way Windows 2003 Server IIS6 handles large file downloads and consumes all of the servers memory. I really liked Windows 2003 Server except for the issue when you have hundreds downloading large files from the server via http and it loads the server memory buffers causing all sorts of problems. Hopefully Microsoft can address this soon and I can migrate back the servers.

Not Again...
Florida and the Caribbean are being hit by a third hurricane in the past few weeks. Hurricane Ivan is classified currently as a category 5 hurricane with 160MPH winds.

National Weather Service information on hurricane IVAN
Click Here

Hurricane Ivan tracking:



Help the Florida residents by donating to the Red Cross.

I wish I could go down and help as I really like Florida and hate to see it with such extensive damage.

