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Hotfix for Inches/Millimeters toggle in the AutoCAD® 2005 and AutoCAD LT® 2005 Plot and Page Setup Dialogs Now in Beta

<Update 9/29/04>
Hotfix released: This update allows you to switch quickly between inches and millimeters as you plot or define a page setup. The other dialog box options now change to display the unit of measurement setting you specify.

Due to customer reports and feedback since the removal of the Inches/Millimeters toggle in the AutoCAD® 2005 and AutoCAD LT® 2005 Plot and Page Setup dialog boxes, we will be issuing a Hotfix.
This update will allow you to switch quickly between inches and millimeters as you plot or define a page setup. The other dialog box options now change to display the unit of measurement setting you specify.

Description of Problem
The Plot and Page Setup dialog boxes had been modified so that the units of measurement displayed in the dialog box depend on whether an imperial or metric paper size is selected. However, some countries such as Canada use a combination of imperial-sized paper and metric measurements. This update modifies the Plot and Page Setup dialog boxes to reintroduce a setting in the Plot Scale area that controls the units of measurement display, independent of paper size. The workaround has been to use a driver that has metric paper sizes but not all older drivers supported this so we are making a Hotfix available.

Selecting inches or millimeters in the drop-down list changes the unit display in the following areas:

The Plot Scale area
The Plot Offset area
The printable area image and its tooltip description

Selecting a paper size continues to change the unit type displayed in the dialog box to correspond to the most common unit type associated with that paper. For example, choosing Letter paper size changes the displayed descriptions to imperial units (inches). With this update, however, you can override the default unit type for the paper size you have chosen by selecting Millimeters or Inches from the drop-down list in the Plot Scale area.

Note: Choosing Pixels in the units list makes the list unavailable until an imperial or metric paper size is selected.

If you would like to enroll in this pre-release beta:
To enroll please go to: and select Sign up from the Active Zone Menu. You will then be asked to fill out a profile. Please select Yes to participating in betas and for Product Usage be certain to select AutoCAD 2005 or AutoCAD LT 2005 at minimum (it is important that you select this product). Once the profile is complete and submitted you will be emailed a password for the site. When you logon you will be able to see all the zones you are added to. The process of adding participants to zones is not automatic and requests are reviewed periodically during business hours.

*Profiles can be updated by selecting the User button at the top of most pages when you are signed in to the MyFeedback portal. The assigned password can also be edited here.

Thank you.
The AutoCAD Team
