Geological Shaking and Moving in North America
October 2004 Webcasts on AutoCAD 2005

DWG Version History - AutoCAD 2005 Can Read DWG Files From 20 Years Back

I have added the DWG format version details from the past 20 years on my unofficial AutoCAD History page.

VersionssmAutoCAD 2005 can read all DWG files back from AutoCAD version 2.5 up to the AutoCAD 2005 format which is a span of 20+ years. AutoCAD 2005 can save back to AutoCAD 2000 DWG format or export to the AutoCAD R12 DXF.

There is also the free Autodesk Batch Drawing Converter so you can batch convert DWG files to AutoCAD R14 DWG using original Autodesk DWG tools.

