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Topical Index for AutoCAD System Variables

Ellen Finkelstein announces her new monthly AutoCAD Tips Newsletter

Each month will bring a set of tips, resources, and tutorials valuable to all AutoCAD users. To sign up, go to

Ellen's best-selling book, AutoCAD 2005 and AutoCAD LT 2005 Bible, has just been published. For the first time, this book covers AutoCAD LT as well as all the new features of AutoCAD 2005. With 1158 pages, you’ll find everything you need to understand AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT. Each feature is clearly and completely explained, then followed by an exercise using real-world drawings. The CD-ROM contains the drawings for the exercises (both before and after), lots of useful add-on software, a 30-day trial of AutoCAD, and a copy of the book in PDF format. Two bonus appendices on the CD-ROM cover AutoCAD resources and a list of new, changed, and deleted commands and system variables. For more information, go to"

PS: Ellen also bakes some great cookies.

