AutoCAD Express Tool System Variable Editor "SYSVDLG"
LIVE on - VIZ 2005 New Features Workshop

AutoCAD 2005 White Papers from IMAGINiT

Autodesk Reseller IMAGINiT Technologies Canada has prepared a couple of very helpful white papers on AutoCAD 2005.

AutoCAD 2005 - New Features White Paper

AutoCAD 2005 - Sheet Sets
"Most users agree the single most improved item in AutoCAD 2005 is the addition of sheet sets. This powerful new features adapts to the way your department works. This whitepaper will show you the benefits."

Autodesk DWF Composer
"The DWF format and the release of DWF Composer promises to revolutionize the way drawings are transmitted, marked up and returned. Make sure you understand the benefits, they could be huge."

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